Mental flexibility and working memory in Mexican adolescents with antisocial-criminal behavior


  • Metztli T. Alvear-Vázquez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Gabriela Orozco-Calderón Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Erika J. Romero-Valle Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Executive functions, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, adolescence, delinquency.


Executive functions (EF) and their alterations have been studied and related to antisocial-criminal behavior, but it has mostly been investigated in the adult criminal population, excluding the adolescent population. The objective of the research is to analyze and compare the EFs of mental flexibility and visuospatial working memory in adolescents with antisocial-criminal behavior belonging to a social reintegration center and control adolescents. The Antisocial-Criminal Behavior Questionnaire, the BANFE letter classification test and self-directed pointing were used. Two groups were formed, the study group (SG) of 26 male adolescents belonging to a social reintegration center with ages of 14 to 18 years and education of 5 to 11 years and the control group (CG) equivalent in age, sex and education, not belonging to a social reintegration center. The SG showed difficulties in the functions of mental flexibility and visuospatial working memory compared to the CG. The GE adolescents also showed difficulties in functions that are related to repetitive aggressive behaviors, violation of social norms, problems to correct behavior based on experiences, which may suggest alteration in brain structures such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.


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How to Cite

Alvear-Vázquez, M. T., Orozco-Calderón, G., & Romero-Valle, E. J. (2021). Mental flexibility and working memory in Mexican adolescents with antisocial-criminal behavior. Ciencia & Futuro, 11(2), 112–125. Retrieved from

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