Risk factors for pregnancy in adolescence in the Clinic during 2022


  • Yadelyn Rodríguez Palma Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín
  • Diana Y. Pons García Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín
  • Roxana S. Barzaga Diéguez Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín
  • Michel Rodríguez Ismar Universidad de Moa
  • Arianne I. Cuesta Montañez Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín


family planning, contraceptive, risk of health


The risk factors for pregnancy in adolescents belonging to Office 20 of the Caribe neighborhood belonging to the Juan Manuel Páez polyclinic in Moa, during 2022, were analyzed. For the development of the research, a historical-logical analysis and analysis-synthesis were carried out for a better interpretation of the work. An interview with 12 items was conducted with the 17 adolescents to determine the risk factors. The results show that the main cause was having unprotected sexual relations in a higher proportion and in lower numbers the misuse of the same for which an action plan based on basic advice was proposed to reduce its incidence in the CMF 20.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Palma, Y., Pons García, D. Y., Barzaga Diéguez, R. S., Rodríguez Ismar, M., & Cuesta Montañez, A. I. (2023). Risk factors for pregnancy in adolescence in the Clinic during 2022. Ciencia & Futuro, 13(2), 341–350. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistacyf/article/view/2311

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