Water pumping system at a children’s Hospital


  • Jesús Manuel Viera-Callar Universidad de Moa
  • Cristóbal Armando Texidor-Pérez Universidad de Moa
  • Rodney Martínez-Rojas Universidad de Moa
  • Nurys Cervantes-Hinojosa Universidad de Moa
  • Elis E. Guzmán-Romero Universidad de Moa


hydro transport, hydraulic system, fluid transport, water pipes


A maintenance program for the correct sizing of pipes at Pedro Augustin Pérez children’s Hospital in Guantánamo province was created in order to ensure the performance of the pump and selecting the appropriate engine to meet the pumping system requirements. The evaluation process allowed identifying deficiencies in the system related to the sizing of pipes, which significantly affects the pump performance and the engine power is insufficient for the pumping system. This work suggests carrying a maintenance program out that includes actions for a correct sizing of pipes in order to ensure the pump performance and selecting the appropriate motor that allows meeting the system requirements. Practical suggestions are also provided in terms of maintenance, including guidelines for proper cleaning and maintenance of the pump, as well as regular valves monitoring.


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How to Cite

Viera-Callar, J. M., Texidor-Pérez, C. A., Martínez-Rojas, R., Cervantes-Hinojosa, N., & Guzmán-Romero, E. E. (2023). Water pumping system at a children’s Hospital. Ciencia & Futuro, 13(4), 623–639. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/revistacyf/article/view/2426



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