

Surgery, Clinical method.


An analysis of the background of the development of the Surgery and the Clinical Method in different historical moments that humanity has lived it is carried out in this work. It is also exposed an assessment of its behavior in Cuba and the use of the clinical method as necessary tool in the Cuban Medicine. There were used main methods in this research such as: the documentary analysis, induction deduction and analysis synthesis. These methods allowed characterizing the historical structuring of the development of the Surgery and the Clinical Method as object of the research in four stages and identifying characteristics and fundamental features that are manifested in each them. These stages take into account the facts that mark relevant changes in Surgery and in the application of the Clinical Method. The results of the study allow comparing the different stages and delimiting with greater precision the object of the research.


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How to Cite

Ocampo Zaldívar, J. C., Cervantes Hinojosa, N., Vega Matos, M., & García Naún, D. (2022). HISTORICAL BACKGROUNDS OF THE SURGERY AND THE CLINICAL METHOD IN THE CUBAN MEDICINE. Revista De Innovación Social Y Desarrollo, 6(2), 200–212. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/indes/article/view/2154




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