
  • Yurileydis Villanueva Frómeta Filial de Ciencias Médicas
  • Nurys Cervantes Hinojosa Universidad de Moa
  • Elianna Guzmán Cervantes Filial de Ciencias Médicas
  • Elis E. Guzmán Romero Universidad de Moa


professional improvement, tutoring plan, methodology


The present investigation arises from the insufficiencies in the professional improvement of the teachers, as a way of solving this problem, the elaboration of a methodology of professional improvement directed to the development of the tutelary plan of the residents in integral general medicine was proposed. For the development of the study, various methods and techniques were used such as logical history, analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive, systemic-structural-functional, interviews, surveys. The methodology presented constitutes a practical contribution, obtaining favorable judgments that connote the feasibility of the proposal. The results achieved are considered effective as they contribute positive elements of their practical concretion in the training of residents in comprehensive general medicine.


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How to Cite

Villanueva Frómeta, Y., Cervantes Hinojosa, N., Guzmán Cervantes, E., & Guzmán Romero, E. E. (2023). TUTORIAL EDUCATION OF RESIDENTS IN INTEGRAL GENERAL MEDICINE. Revista De Innovación Social Y Desarrollo, 8(1), 139–157. Retrieved from https://revista.ismm.edu.cu/index.php/indes/article/view/2328




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